how to cure colic and gas
Who has not suffered from colic and gas at some time, severe pains in the belly or a feeling of heaviness? And it is common for there to be inflation in the abdomen area, and what causes the accumulation of colic and gas? There are many cases, for example, eating fast, swallowing air at mealtime, suffering from stress, eating in states of worry, anger, or some not calm state, drinking excessively carbonated sodas, or in any case there are some foods that could also promote the elevation of gases, such as beans, broccoli and onion because they have sulfur in their composition and not only this but because they have a lot of skin and fiber and that also happens with beans, as for beans so that do not produce gases, especially gases in babies or gases in newborns, at least leave it soaking 24 hours and that works no longer produces colic and gas, potatoes, a lot of meat, excess fibers could also cause colic and gas, bread, also chew gum, because we deceive the body by chewing and chewing the gum and the body begins to secrete acids because our mental body believes that food comes and secretes more acids and therefore gases in a future time,
But it should also be considered as an alteration in the intestinal flora itself, as well as some medications, also the liquor that when entering the body and when encountering sugar, this also produces colic and gas, or allergies to gluten, or milk, And if you want to try milk that is not with lactose and check if it decreases gas, now foods with many carbohydrates without much fiber can produce gas because it ferments inside,
In reality, everything must be very well balanced in adequate portions of fiber for our organism, now everything is framed in the behaviors in our sensational state in which we are and in the diet we consume, we can end these colic and gas with the simple fact of consuming food and drinks that do not produce the gases that cause them,
now something else is strong colic and this originates in the large intestine where its internal walls of that duct absorb fluids and nutrients and the fecal matter is compacted and the exit through the rectum is difficult, thus causing colic and pain in the evacuation and that happens in the large intestine, NOT in the small intestine, until the stool comes out with great difficulty, you also eliminate it through the lungs, that cardiac pain that is believed to give you a heart attack and that you cannot breathe , they can be gases,
For this, what you must is a diet detox as follows here are some, but more effective home remedies that are in your kitchen and are:
• A potato cut in half
• Two sticks of celery cut in half
• Carrot cut in half
• Rice a handful
• Anise one tablespoon
take a pot and fill with two liters of water and from there add the potatoes, carrots, rice and make them parboiled, more or less leave it well boiled for 25 minutes and then add the celery and anise branches, leave a few 3 or 5 minutes until weed then you strain it and take advantage of the boiled water with the preparation and take it little by little in a large glass the mate and then rest and after that little by little you recover.
We also have other alternatives, but these must first be to make the water boil and from there add any of the mates, such as boldo, muña, kion, fennel, chamomile, and all these plants, anyone who wants to use it has to Pour it into the cup of mate to vote for its active natural healing properties of a certain medicinal plant, the muña is very valuable, it also fights against colic in the body, the objective is the prevention against colic and gas and this goes back to many hundreds of centuries in which our parents and grandparents used to use it as home remedies to alkalize and thus heal, now in the case that this happens in children, it should be given, but not in excess but little of muña, but those under 6 months of age suggests that you undergo a pediatric evaluation, especially for gases in newborns to rule out any other complications,
The charcoal capsules are also good to help absorb gas, reducing the swelling of the belly, one or two capsules per day, for four days, but if you are taking any medication, it is not recommended to use charcoal, because the charcoal decreases or even cancels the medicine you are consuming,
When you are drinking some of the mates, try to rub your belly with your hand so that you also help the intestinal canal to do its job of evacuating the stool faster, the movement is circular from right to left in a circular way.
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