how to cure insomnia?


tratamiento del insomnio

how to cure insomnia?

One of the serious problems that afflicts humanity is insomnia and here we will be treating insomnia, for which they are going to get rid of these problems, due to lack of melatonin because it does not mean that a person who does not sleep is strong, That is not so, that person is actually weak in the brain and in the body, because a healthy person easily conceives sleep because somehow he has fed on some quality of food that has reserved the nutrients in his body, in this detox diet, we will be giving you the essential ingredients to be able to have a greater production of melatonin, which is what causes a pleasant and restful sleep,


• Un plátano o un plátano

• sésamo




You take a banana and make it in the blender, then you make two tablespoons of sesame, followed by a handful of oatmeal and then two glasses of milk, you blend all of this, these ingredients are very important because they have the vitamins and minerals that will create the production of the hormone melatonin that is the cause of sleep, when there is little or no melatonin hormone, our mind's eyes must be directed to the pineal that is the one that causes the birth of the melatonin hormone and among other functions such as the mental and behavioral of the person, and therefore affects the body, by deviating its normal functioning of the pineal, the pineal when it has these problems is because it does not have the necessary food energy to be able to carry out this process of sending signals of regulations so that one can think sanely and have a reasonable behavior, because it has been atrophied either by poor food quality. cia, or liquors, such as smoking, and eating meats very exaggeratedly, when you drink this juice that was given above, this will help you to regenerate and activate the pineal antenna, because it does the process

biochemical so that it enters to carve the tryptophan which is an amino acid that helps to bind neurotransmitters so that there is a correct communication regulating the mental state, sexual function, desires, digestion, memory, animosity, and especially sleep, but Now it manifests itself in serotonin and from there it becomes melatonin, which is already itself, it is the agent that helps to defeat insomnia, leading to a restful sleep, I forgot to tell you that banana or banana has a lot of potassium, and The objective is to balance everything in an almost perfect PH that once taken this delicious juice you eat chia seeds a tablespoon, which is also very good because it also has tryptophan, in addition to this you should have a vegetarian or even raw vegan diet, for a month at least, if it were three months better and if it is six months total regeneration of any imbalance, because it will give you that power in the body and above all what we want is a pot Brain ncia, since now if the pineal has been stripped of that varnish that made it impossible to fulfill its perfect functions, and it is through vegetarian or even raw vegan food that one can really get out of this chronic insomnia,

tratamiento del insomnio

Once the brain that is also a living being is strengthened, empowered with natural foods, with magnesium, fruits, seeds, vegetables, the brain itself decides to expand its borders in the mind, towards something more transcendental, not setting any limits, because it possesses the power and power to go beyond unimaginable limits, towards other realities of understanding and acceptance of beings with a high level of sensitivity and consciousness, because the encounters do not occur like that, by chance, but by similarity of frequencies , are compatible, which will help us in the natural evolution of the soul since its diet is more electrical, based on natural foods, and  sea water or sea salt, since the sea has all the minerals that the The body needs and serves as a regulator before the natural foods that we consume sweet or with enough vitamins, balancing it in its PH, you know sea salt is the generator of electricity and without sea salt, we stop working,

Now I know that there are bodies that have lactose intolerance, well there are other alternatives to create melatonin and I want you to apply this, namely, take the sesame a tablespoon of it and make it in the blender, then make three tablespoons of oats, two tablespoons sunflower seeds, then cinnamon, also nutmeg, a teaspoon of sea salt, this is to create electrolyte in the body, they also add 2 or 3% milk and a little water and then blend it After blending, you make it boil for about 25 minutes, but always moving it with the spoon so that it does not get stuck in the pot, and it will become semi-thick and that is very good, and this preparation is very important because it helps you the pineal creates tryptophan then serotonin and from there it changes to melatonin, before this they must consume a banana or banana, and then drink the preparation, and this is a powerful energy that serves the brain with natural products, yes n resorting to drugs, which create an artificial, synthetic sleep, because after that it is very possible that some dependency and even secondary sequelae will be created in neurotransmitters and the pineal, changing your mental state on the verge of madness, in a unreality of mirage that will help nothing but make insomnia worse,

tratamiento del insomnio

This recipe can be given to people who have a low energy level, or people who suffer forgetfulness, mental problems, physical strength and others because here there is a concentration of barbaric energy, which serves as breakfast, for all people even for people who They have undergone chemotherapy and are weak, it also serves for children, to strengthen it and they will have a lot of power, for studies and physical education, and this is insomnia treatment that if we pay a little attention to it we can recover, just meditate a moment with our eyes closed and without thinking, with that we are formatting the brain and we will be more predisposed to all and take care of ourselves as much as possible in the diet and the inclinations that we have because such images can even deviate our mind causing a distraction in the pineal and Therefore, it will focus more on such images and not on producing melatonin, which even reaches its deepest moments to adopt various personalities, and that is why these preparations of  detox  serves a lot to nourish the brain and strengthen the body as a unit, now melatonin is not only concentrated in the pineal, but also in the total body and serves to eradicate free radicals in excess of mitochondria, and mitochondria are found inside cells and are like batteries / capacitors to be able to store energy and expand it throughout the body,


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