best for liver detox


best for liver detox

best for liver detox

Before best for liver detox, it is to be aware that the disease is in gluttony, in a poor nutritional quality, and everything is planned, by our subconscious, because nothing is the work of luck, but everything is already organized so that this is Manifest in liver problems is the destiny set on automatic, in its most minimal objectives, because this place in which we live is a laboratory of trials and errors for other entities much more evolved than us and man has broken the correct way of eating, because you consume very powerful and irritating foods and drinks throughout the day,

being natural or vegetarian food the real way to nourish ourselves with 12 to 15% boiled meats on your plate, and the rest vegetables, grains, tubers and between snacks, fruit juices until gradually and over the years no longer depend on meats without any fanaticism that leads to the death of small children and older people due to sectarianism, since bodies in their nature are different from change, well continuing here I will give you a very effective alternative to the liver cure that if You follow the indications for at least three months you will have a half total recovery from the detoxification and if it is six months it is the total purifying regeneration not only of the liver but of all the organs, although the first month you see the improvement, but that It is very little, the ideal is three months because I present you the effective alternative of the liver cure, points out:


• 6 cups of water

• 5 stalks of celery
• Three lemons
• A nopal
• A cup of parsley
•  a chopped potato


The first thing you should do is pour the lemon juice into the blender, then done the five chopped celery stalks, the potato, then the diced nopal and then the parsley, all of that is blended if the blender cup is too full. You do it in two parts, after having liquefied what is done in the container with the 6 cups of water and the intake procedure is three times a day, two cups in the morning, before breakfast, another before lunch and the other intake. of two cups before dinner, repeat this in a month and you will feel that not only the liver has deflated and eliminated excess fat, but also has regulated its temperature in its mucosa, in the same way in the kidneys and the main thing in the lungs and the blood in terms of glucose and insulin, because celery and potatoes are purifying, like the other natural agents that do their job,

The best for liver detox is to give stimulation to the liver that fulfills up to 500 functions at the same time and from there to the pancreas and helped by beta cells produces insulin, which is the agent that will transport glucose into the cells of the body so that eat, and have energy throughout the body as a perception capacity, otherwise, the sugar or glucose is suspended in the blood atmosphere without being used by the cells as food and hence diabetes now originates due to non-detoxification of the liver, therefore you should not consume any carbohydrates, refined flours, no sugar, no fried foods, such as steaks, or saturated fats, no seasonings, no salt, no candy, or soft drinks, at the time of treatment, not ice cream, cinnamon is also good because the cinnamon unbalances the sugar and you can boil it with the nopal and then drink it,

best for liver detox

Now diabetes, and not related, is the insatiable tendency to drink water, they drink and drink water and they do not get satiated and they continue to drink water, that is also the beginning of diabetes (unless you are in a desert and with a lot of heat it is not thus, you are thirsty) and it can be formatted with sea salt, or drink sea water  to unbalance the very exaggerated blood sugar, not table salt, but sea water, the salt of isotonic sea water, so that the production of insulin is regenerated or activated and that it can carry glucose or sugar into the cells and from there to the mitochondria / condenser, so that the expansive energy of the body that we usually have arises from there and our state of mind is in optimal conditions,

because if there is only sugar in the body and not salt or isotonic seawater in the corresponding degrees in the liver and pancreas, the pancreas and beta cells will be unbalanced, which produces insulin, because the electrical trigger of the body is salt, (NOT table, but salty sea water) sugar expands and salt contracts, and the sin of every human being has been to be addicted to hamburgers and from there they take sweet soda, glucose In balanced states it is very good because it is the body's energy, it is the reserve that helps the body to stay in optimal conditions, but when that scale is exceeded, there comes the ravages, with the misuse of sugar and a disorderly life comes old age. accelerated,

we are what we feed ourselves we have to consume electrical foods that are found in nature, for the electrical brain the body and the etheric part of the soul, our bodies are electricity, they are energy, but balanced by doing exercises, because a sedentary life also has consequences as very angry and reactionary anger, they cannot fully perform their work functions due to stress, fights in the family because their diet is based on refined sugars, flours, erroneous knowledge that exhausts and creates divisions, a lot of work that leads to forget even their engineering ingenuity, and thus a series of never-ending situations and everything is due to the very exaggerated consumption of refined sugar, flours, condiments, highly exaggerated liquors, junk food, drugs etc etc ...

best for liver detox

What should be consumed is natural sugar such as chancaca or cane sugar, in an orderly way so that it brings harmonized energy to them and that can be achieved by joining the electrical neural links of the directing brain to the pancreas, and the pancreas is reactivated  Insulin resistance diet with natural sugars, such as honey with lemon and when there is sun. Take off your shirt and let yourself be exposed to the sun, so that the sun gives you electromagnetic force, so that it charges, and votes for the soles of the feet the stress concentrated in parasitic electricity on the body, thus de-stressing the person, renewing their vitality emotional and corporal, because all by-products such as honey, lemon and other cures are necessary, very necessary, but behind them the magnetism is acting that detoxes the old fabric of the spleen organ where the energy of the sun and the Spleen organ builds and the liver destroys and that happens when people deny and the liver destroys and destroys the spleen organ that is the recipient of solar energy, that is why diabetics keep their composure, because diabetics have a thing, they have a very violent, stubborn character and are sometimes wicked they like to do evil to people, and they don't understand that, the sun and sea water, best for liver detox like pancre thus, they create a system in which the liver works optimally and influences the pancreas for a good production of insulin and does not arise  prediabetes  who in his kind benevolences purifies us and builds the new organic network of the liver and pancreas and everything the body ,

Here I will present a statistic of how diabetes is increasing in the US of the year 2020 the last update and as you will see the data is as follows:


Total: 34.2 million people have diabetes (10.5% of the US population)
Diagnosed: 26.9 million people, including 26.8 million adults
Undiagnosed: 7.3 million people (21.3% are undiagnosed)


Total: 88 million people age 18 and older have prediabetes (34.5% of the U.S. adult population)

People 65 years or older: 24.2 million adults 65 years or older have prediabetes 
2020 US Diabetes Statistics (source from

Fortunately, the situation seems to be being controlled and that is very good, but even so we are being directed by our other side of ignorance, which is the unconsciousness that illusively benefits the tastes to the palate and that has brought us a sick population and to which it is necessary to appeal. These statistical methods so that they realize that the situation is getting worse, but that this can be remedied very easily from that with a detox diet for the liver, the very internal acidity, the lack of cellular oxygen that creates the negative temperature artificial inside the original temperature of the body, which serves to create negative microorganisms that damage the organs to the point of manifesting cysts and even cancer of which peppermint tea is a good natural agent to initially sweep away these microscopic manifestations negative. ,

best for liver detox

The liver fulfills more than 500 different functions such as helping to transport waste and break down fats in the intestine, for those people who are overweight, it helps secrete bile and enzymes, regulates blood clotting, protects and kills mutant bacteria in the bloodstream, neutralizes the substances of drugs that are ingested by mouth, produces good cholesterol, which helps to weld arteries and veins that are perforated or broken, covering it as if it were glue, but when consumption is exceeded of flours, very exaggerated consumption of meats, candies, liquors and others, there is an exaggerated production of cholesterol  foods you can eat when you have high cholesterol  which makes strenuous efforts to be able to weld the walls of the arteries and veins, but it is very clear that this seriously harms us, the immune system says I have to weld the cholesterol with Very damaged arteries and it causes an overproduction of bad cholesterol, because you eat too much junk food and that must be corrected by the best for liver detox, it is the alternative because you go directly to the source that can help you detoxify that first and simultaneously to the cholesterol, such as diabetes and many other diseases,

The liver also performs the insulin production function necessary to carry glucose into the blood atmosphere to feed the cells and hence there is a felt emotional and corporal vitality of the body in its entirety and that benefits us greatly, And this is why our liver fulfills many functions of filtering the blood and of which they are redirected towards the colon and then towards the bathroom, and from the kidneys through the urine, thus eliminating the toxic waste that I accumulate for months or years our body,

The liver is the place in the laboratory that carries out the electrical chemical processes to activate the neurotransmitters of the brain, which is the control tower of consciousness that when the liver is bad, one thinks and feels differently and it seems that it was not you and that. They call it panic, stress, madness, anguish, anxiety, explosive anger, despair, which is relayed to the whole body and especially to the liver that when the person is denying it damages the liver with that radioactive acid and contracts it in its radioactive wall by liver

best for liver detox

And for best for liver detox, it is advisable to drink papaya juices, with that at first it de-stresses the liver and then these foods that can detoxify your body naturally without depending on the highly exaggerated drugs that until the end dry out the brain and you can no longer even perceive beyond which is the real cure and what you should do is take a pineapple and liquefy it and put it in a container and on the other hand you buy the mint in the market and make it boil

Now the procedure is very simple to cure, you take a glass and ¾ in the glass you make the pineapple juice and ¼ part you make the mint mate with the pineapple juice you stir it and then you drink it, they already know the pineapple has bromelain and this bromelain serves to purify all protein from cadaveric meats that remain in the body stuck by which the liver is very busy trying to break it down by sending enzymes and bile to the intestine, to break down food but as the liver is damaged, bromelain from pineapple quickly clears those cadaveric acids and other carbohydrate wastes in the liver

and at the same time it has water in almost 89% and that is very beneficial for the liver, but in that water is vitamin A and vitamin A serves to activate and accentuate the power with the iron vitamin to the immune system that is linked to the electrical brain and the orders are executed in helping the liver to recover quickly, because the neurotransmitters of the brain / transmitting wave antenna are now perfectly calibrated so that the execution messages are executed that is detox and thus the liver heals,

The potassium that pineapple has is used to provide a strength in the organs that is later manifested in the external physical strength of the extremities and good rhythmic pulses of the heart, athletes usually consume it, well hoping that it has served as a best for liver detox. to continue investigating the diet detox articles and you already know the healthy person is really the richest person in the world, because without health there are no dreams or realizations.

best for liver detox


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