how to cure pancreatic cancer?

pancreatic cancer

how to cure pancreatic cancer?

What we should know is that the pancreas performs two functions at the same time, one is hormonal that regulates blood sugar and the other that has the enzymes that serve to break down food in the digestive system ...

Now, when there are early tumors in the pancreas, as in its beginnings its molecules (reactionary electric shocks) begin to repress at that molecular level and then in a gradual but abrupt goal in calorie reduction, thus consolidating in manifest expressive micro-tumor matter, but with a mental stamp of distortion of cancer in the body's genetics and from there to manifest itself in even more effective negative pancreatic cancer until very advanced manifest objective of devouring everything in its path, until it is even possible to extract very important organs the distal bile duct, part of the small intestine, and from there they perform reconstructive surgery so that the small intestine and part of what was the head of the pancreas is united, as well as the stomach is linked to the pylorus to the small intestine, that is in the head of the pancreas, there are other operations that are the body of the pancreas because tumors usually appear in that area and also n in some cases the spleen organ, part of the intestine and part of the body of the pancreas are removed, these situations are very unfortunate as you should already imagine, because there are already other more serious operations where almost all the organs in that area are extracted and Only the stomach and part of the small intestine remain, and that is already joined in an operation and that are serious problems and after that he undergoes chemotherapy to eradicate the possible tumors that remain in that area, in reality the chemotherapy sweeps everything Even with the positive and negative defenses, they are extracted by chemotherapy, as I repeat, they are already very advanced degrees in the tumors that are proliferating in that area,

pancreatic cancer

What should I do when I have pancreatic cancer?

And the answer to oxygenate the cells, to alkalize them with a diet detox, this term of  diet detox  is very broad, it is not only to drink mattes, juices and other natural things that are really very excellent, but you want to integrate the part of state of the soul that is the primal energy by which all manifest reality of an idea is made, the sensational states of human mind and intentions in a society like the one we live in has transgressed a whole world for the simple fact of not having transcended fear, of wanting to get everything quickly to please the senses and when it is not achieved, it replaces it with what the palate wants which is junk food, even people who feel empty inside have been reported and replaced by eating and eating Anything, that is an indication that perhaps goes unnoticed by the vast majority, but it is of utmost importance, because if it is replaced by a poor quality of food it is replaced by something worse drugs and games, pleasing even more the senses that need to fill something and do not fill and consume every time you love junk foods until that reactionary electrical acidity begins to repress the molecules and then the genes with another kind of distorted information, thus modifying its temperature of such an organ and with now a lot of carbonic anhydride until acid pancreatic cancer manifests itself, or even many other diseases that already exist and that we already know that it is nothing else because they do not receive cellular oxygenation

What foods oxygenate the cells so that the pancreas is not affected?

The first thing we must be aware of that this article is promoting is prevention, before any problem develops in the pancreas or even pancreatic cancer or any other disease and highly alkaline foods can be found in  vegetarian food  that helps the body become oxygenated and alkalized, such as drinking sea water

Isotonic obtained from suitable places, which by having the essential nutrients for the cells, these are alkalized, because they allow the red cells to fulfill their function fully and instantaneously to transport the oxygen it needs to the affected organs and these give the anhydride carbon dioxide to the red blood cells and are transported to the lungs for elimination and that is why sports and the sun in a manner allowed by each body must be exercised to eliminate the greatest amount of carbonic anhydride and through defecation, urine , the chuño that appears on the skin, or the growth of nails or hair and in itself everything that the immune system does to be able to purify itself and maintain the perfect balance between alkaline and acid, because it is necessary to have acid, which It serves as an agent to kill negative microorganisms, but does not exceed its negative scale, because it would eliminate ourselves, as we are now part of the manipulation. ulation obsessed with eating acidic foods, highly sweetened sodas, bone fats, grilled cutlets, roasts, increasingly damaging to internal organs, curing pancreatic cancer and other diseases is possible if the world population it becomes alkaline, if you oxygenate your body, cleaning the bowels of the body with  isotonic sea water  and a diet detox, the ideal is to consume in terms of proteins because the change is gradual towards vegetarian, and proteins are found in boiled meats of turkey meat, fish, chicken meat but without hormones, and be aware that in the day more or less a million cancer cells are produced in a normal way and when a very exaggerated diet of acids and sweeteners is exceeded, these cells carcinogens are activated, because their system is modified because we exceed in the acidic diet, sodas and others that is when these carcinogenic cells they reactivate and begin to attack you, because their mental atmosphere has changed and they act against you, that is why vegetarian food, the sun, the beach, swimming, exercises and everything else can cure any disease including cancer of pancreas ,

pancreatic cancer

Now, if the affected part of the pancreas is affected and you feel pain, it is highly advisable to put on mud poultices, because as already mentioned there is a deviation in temperature due to internal acids and pulsations in the body, and what you want to do is attack on both sides, with a good vegetarian diet and isotonic sea water that helps to purify the blood and on the external part of the skin with clay poultices or in any case also poultices of turnip leaves ground in a stone mortar, but not so ground and that preparation is placed in the affected area, whether you have a fever throughout your body or in the pancreas area, that will make you itch that area more or less like 30 minutes later or before, and that is a very good sign because it is absorbing the internal fever of such an organ affected either by fever or other situations, well you apply the mud poultice in your affected area and with newspaper and your girdle and to rest or the ca Mud taplasma for fevers or others, this is to attack in balancing the temperature of the organism because when the organism is unbalanced in temperature, the reactionary negative microorganisms do their thing and manifest themselves in small and imperceptible bubbles, and then the tumors appear more reactionary until it becomes pancreatic cancer and attention as is the pancreas, the pancreas is responsible for creating insulin which is an agent to transport and make hemoglobin enter the cells as food and from there to the mitochondria / condenser and starting Under this basis, it is highly advisable not to consume refined things that turn into sugar in the body, even though the body needs sugar, but this refined sugar is not ideal and the natural sugars and carbohydrates produced by the mother are better. natura, but in an orderly and moderate way so that little by little the pancreas is reactivated and can work 100% together with  better liver detoxification  which is another agent that fulfills many, such as zeolite in capsules, which is a mineral that allows cancer cells to absorb acid and binds all the protons that produce the acid and leaves them with calcium and cancer cells leave calcifying bone they are compacting and it does not let them move, they are trapped and can no longer do anything, and it is expelled through the urine or going to the bathroom, this zeolite is with a prescription, because its sale is prohibited for reasons x, At first, when you try it in the first days, it causes diarrhea but then it passes, but there we have the other alternatives above that I described.



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