diet detox

diet detox

diet detox

For a good detox diet we must first become aware that our internal filters such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines are conscious beings that fulfill their function of letting the energy of food flow and use so that your immune system is productive and is undo. of all these detoxification accumulated for many years by the colon, due to the poor quality of food such as alcoholic beverages, very abundant foods of animal origin and lipids, and the first thing we must do is  3 day juice cleanse 

But these fats are mainly found in flour, refined sugars, countries in America and Europe, since now in Latin American countries, Americans consume 150 kilos of meat per year per person, that is, half a cow is consumed per year per person , while the Europeans zone of 50 to 100 kilos per person per year, joins this, due to the economic income that China and Brazil are having, 100 kilos per person per year (Source: United Nations Food Organization and Agriculture - Our World in Data) are of a highly nutritional trend of animal origin and flours, a refined by-product that does not help in its total expression of liberation of the body and the psychological soul and there are many ways to detoxify the diet a good detoxification releases excess metals in the body and the good direction of the truth of yourself to investigate with detox juice causing swelling of the intestine, temperature change, d by viral mutation, decrease, thus achieving your detoxification goal,

diet detox

Now it has been observed that in the US obesity in adults has grown by 45% in this year 2021 and children by 18.3% in the previous two years, its growth has been estimated at 35% and this is really worrying because there is no good food culture, a good diet detox in the body, because if there were detox in the case of extreme obesity, only a vegetarian diet, detox and exercises are required, to be able to see the results in a few months, But this is subject to the mind that people have, not knowing what to do, because the problem is mental, the mind itself is not the problem, if it is directed by good constructive objective thinking, which gives it the season. of consciousness and that is why when something does not go well, people need to fill that something, on the unconscious side, because the internal biology of the body of the affected person needs to fill or attract something, if and it is not the body, but the baduse of the mind, and that is why he lives confused in supplanting food as an alternative delicacy for his ills for his palate and thus obesity arises, and a lack of control without diet detox through that can remedy his toxic ills, instead When detoxing, the person is really giving them the opportunity to give birth to more constructive thoughts, which the mind does not understand, because the mind is only observing good and evil and not determinative, and that is why people use certain mental abilities In order to remedy its ills and not being able to detox, it coagulates it in failures, giving rise, in this case, to gluttony that makes obesity more permanent and difficult to drain, but if there is that possibility and it is the detox for your body and thoughts, through 

diet detox

insulin and diabetes problems

Many of the times there is resistance to insulin, which is nothing more than a hormone that releases in the pancreas and its job is to take the glucoses that are found traveling in the waves of the blood once eaten and then introduce it inside her cell body towards the mitochondrion which is the condenser where energy is stored and then released and hence why we feel with physical strength, health, and felt quality of consciousness predisposed to everything and also helps us to balance in proper blood glucose standards,

because if that does not happen, our blood would be very sweet and that is due to the very exaggerated consumption of glucose, that is, a lot of refined sugar, flours, honey, sodas, candies, stress, dehydration, not exercising and other things, it may also be that there is some abnormal deviation in the body that damages insulin and that is known as "insulin resistance"

And it is because that there is an excess of glucose in the blood that cannot enter the body of the cells and the pancreas generates even more insulin, but there comes a time that little by little it cannot produce more insulin and stops, and it is that's where pre-diabetes originates, which is a latent wake-up call that if you don't take care of yourself, you will have the famous diabetes, and one of the alternatives is the diet detox, vegetarian food, exercising to have an adequate weight,

 It is also very good to visit your doctor, to consult him, but it is known that the adequate levels of pre-diabetes are at 100 or 125 and that is where the glucose is altered and that would be insulin resistance, but if in the blood tests result in more than 126, it would be proven diabetes, that is why you have to go to the doctor on an empty stomach, to take blood samples,

Now take this into account, it is very important, you have to re-educate the palate with diet dotex foods, sweets that are not refined, consume more fruits, with all their skin such as apples, pears, pineapples, well that If you remove the peel because it is very hard, if what is wanted here is to take advantage of the fibers of the fruits that act like a broom that cleans the intestines, as does whole wheat bread, and that also helps in regulating the blood sugar levels, good as is also good   detox diet with sea water

Well, with these simple dietary practices, insulin can be cured and thus able to regain its daily functions with the pancreas to grab glucose and put it into the body of cells for food, and this is achieved with a proper detox diet, exercises To avoid overweight, food from sunlight, going to the beach, among others, and resistance to insulin without the positive practices of detox feeding and exercising, the disease can come with greater power in the future and What is wanted here is to prevent and that is achieved by improving our insulin, to feel much better and healthy.

diet detox

Fatty liver problem

Fatty liver is mainly due to the type of food quality, as already mentioned, sugars, flours, alcoholic beverages, medicines based on non-medicated pills and others, such as a sedentary life without exercises, make the liver silently sick and This is also linked to "insulin resistance" because glucose resists being regulated by insulin and then they go as drops of fat to the liver,

as it can also be on the side of triglycerides, which is nothing more than fat in the blood that serves as energy for the muscles, causing you to have fatigue, heaviness in that area, like everyone who had this bad experience, and on all the overweight, it is also known that people who have cholesterol, hypertension or a large belly, are very possibly candidates for having a fatty liver,

Now with this you do not want to demonize that fat is bad, because no, the body needs balanced fat in your body, if fatty liver is totally curable, with a diet detox is the ideal, because it detoxes, or deflates that area by an artificial temperature change within the original body temperature and causes glucose to be trapped by insulin and deposited in the cell and only used by them, this is mentioned if it is entered from that side,

 But in itself alcoholic beverages are one of the causes of fatty liver, but it is mentioned now that it is also issues of poor diet, they are the ones that mostly affect the liver, such as flours, among others, now all organs,

direct nourishment through water, air, light and earth, vegetables, fruits and seeds are used to be used by the body, while sunlight indirectly to purify the entrails and give vitamins to the skin, and is the best for liver detox  ,  regulates the PH of the body, because having a fatty liver, you should stop consuming alcohol and even without consuming it there are some organisms that can develop these fatty liver conditions, this is called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (inflammation of fat ), to date doctors have not reached a final conclusion to what causes this? From the inflammation of fats in the liver,

It is only known that in some bodies they can trigger the same cirrhosis, but all agree, that good natural diet detox, eliminates detox from the body, and doing exercises, so that the electrical part of the immune system is strengthened and activates the defenses to help detoxify the fatty liver and therefore the emotional part

diet detox

The diet detox, like the vegetarian instant pot recipes positively balances the negative internal artificial temperature change that makes the virus and negative mutated bacteria that, once awakened in the fevered intestines produced by them, can form their core house within the original temperature of the human body, and once formed attack healthy cells, because the same positive body detox cleansing, regulating the temperature through the diet detox that it will do in you, acts in your defense; The man in his ignorance always tendentiously blames God for his misfortunes, but really man is the child of his works, since intoxication or ignorance has that characteristic, of resorting to the artificial to cure the artificial of the many drugs, The intention is that we think about the logical and rational that is the result of a constant internal work of becoming aware that with the support of fasting one can give time and rest to the organ so that it can clean and regenerate, we are in that crazy race to consume junk food and drinks that further intoxicate the blood,

Nature has given us living water from the mountains that is propelled by magnetism, electricity and the very fall from the slopes of the mountains, thus charging even more its vitality as sacred water, loaded with minerals that it collected during its course of displacement, the diet detox that is proposed, is that, to tune in with health, with mother earth and it is the diet detox that with less than detox 21 days you will feel really healthier and predisposed, agile to everything and even the first seven days, because what Hippocrates said will have been understood ... that there is no disease, only sick people ... because one thing is to fight your disease and the other is to reestablish and take care of your health, because really disease is ignorance of health itself, and the only remedy is the logical and rational thing that is the guide and beacon so that by yourself you can heal through the detox diet, thus having a good internal digestion,

diet detox

Glucose detox

The body prefers monosaccharides with fat, but glucose detox itself is the body's favorite, since glucose carries energy that is absorbed by the small intestine and from there that energy is transported to the bloodstream and it is through the bloodstream that glucose reaches all the cells of the human body, thus forming an energy reserve in the liver and muscles of the body, and this reserve of stored energy acts against possible drops in glucose, which is a fuel source,

When we consume calories and the organs fed by glucose or calories in sugar, they are strengthened and if there are excess calories in the body, these go to the liver, and even so, if there are excess calories or glucose the body begins to gain weight or being obese,

If glucose is used to be in optimal physical, mental, nervous condition, without it the body would enter unbalanced levels such as fatigue, altered, and foods that contain glucose are considered as carbohydrates or carbohydrates, saccharides, carbohydrates, or simply sugars, and those foods are known as chocolate, sugars, honey, non-whole flour, ice cream, cakes with sweetening creams, cookies, pancakes, sweets, all of these are known as simple carbohydrates, bone these sugars will enter directly into the blood,

Now we have bone complex carbohydrates, which the body takes a long time to digest, bone being a complex carbohydrate, it is processed and transformed into simple carbohydrates, to be digested by the blood, then to the cells and from there to the mitochondria, and among those foods we have rice, pasta, seeds, whole wheat bread, potato among others, and therefore it is already known that complex carbohydrates are ideal, such as consuming a banana that is healthier than consuming sweets, logically we are talking of glucose,

because the real diet detox diet must be comprehensive, such as proteins, minerals, vitamins, now something else, the pancreas is located below the stomach and the Beta cells help the pancreas to produce a reasonable amount of insulin, which serves as an instrument to carry the glucose to the cells so that they feed and from there it passes to the condenser mitochondria of the cell that provides energy and expanded physical and mental stability,

The pancreas, as we already know, produces insulin together with the Beta cells, but the body in certain situations no longer produces enough insulin, because by mistake it kills the beta cells and therefore there is little insulin production and that makes glucose not be transported to cells, this is known as "insulin resistance"

therefore glucose cannot enter through the interior pores of cells and from there to the condenser called mitochondria to transform and expand it into usable energy for the organs and it weakens and it is for this reason that glucose, bone sugar, remains in the bloodstream,

That is the origin of people who are ill with obesity, they are intoxicated, because detoxification will help your body to be in optimal condition, of course it is combined with exercises and detoxification juice. , which will help you lose weight,

colon detox diet

irritable bowel síndrome 

When we talk about irritable bowel, we have to mention that both the small and large intestines can suffer states of depression or anger that have not been resolved by which the person is going through, and it is for this reason that the intestines get irritated, because More bile is being added and this bile can lead to more diarrhea and changes in your intestinal transit, either due to anger, or sadness, stress and that makes the intestines suffer and that makes them irritated,

The inner wall of the intestine has by nature a calibrated harmonious rhythmic movement, known as peristalsis and this wall contracts rhythmically when the person is as harmonious as possible without emotional problems to move the content towards the rectum, as the content moves towards the rectum, the internal walls of the intestine take advantage of absorbing water and nutrients from the food that move through it, the stool remains detained in the rectum, until it is eliminated through the anus, and all through movements of intestinal contractions,

Now when the colon contractions do not have that harmonious rhythm, but rather abnormal, arrhythmic, because he is going through emotional problems of sadness, stress problems, how fast he is living, or he has eaten toxic food or drinks in the street and other emotions that have not been resolved, it is very possible that the contents within the intestine pass quickly and therefore the intestine does not have enough time to absorb water and nutrients, and this condition produces watery stools and diarrhea,

Now there is a third case, that the feces that passes through the semi-feverish intestine in that area or over fever due to bacteria and viruses in excess that can still be unnoticed by the person and pass very slowly and the walls of the intestine absorb everything the content liquids to be hydrated and this causes the stool to come out hard through the rectum somewhat compacted, now the symptoms that can precede this are gas, intestinal inflammation, abdominal pain in some area of ​​the intestine, and colic,

The alternative for  colic and gas  in an adequate and simple way in your treatment for your intestine, are the products that you can find in your kitchen so effectively and quickly, when you are going through that uncomfortable abdominal situation, thus eliminating the excruciating pain of the intestines and other negative symptoms that can cause you,

PANCREATITIS can be cured with diet detox

PANCREATITIS can be cured with diet detox

PANCREATITIS can be cured with diet detox  but we must bear in mind that the pancreas is located below the Liver is an organ that also suffers from the problems of temperature changes caused by the biliary area with its pebbles that cover the pancreatic duct that is directed to the intestine where pancreatic enzymes are activated, or either excess liquor, excess smoking or some very excess type of diet based on cadaveric bone fries, which further stimulates the pancreas to become negative,

Other causes cannot be exactly the pancreas, but its neighbors, other organs or the same blood that in its same excess triglycerides (excess fat in the blood), can also influence the pancreas, such as drugs, genetic conditions itself a variety of situations that can even trigger a heart attack, the pancreas itself its job is through insulin, which enters the glucose from the blood into the cells, so that this glucose can enter the cells and serve of food to the cells and from there nucleus of the condenser mitochondrion and from there it expands as energy for the human body in all physical, ideological and sensational fitness,

The pancreas also provides enzymes to digest food in the intestine and as the pancreas cannot function properly, the intestine cannot digest the food that is consumed in order to vitalize ourselves, the intestine does not absorb adequately through the pancreatic enzymes within the intestine, food, and that is why one is low on energy, due to a lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. etc, thus weakening the bones and vision or in any case to increase and maintain weight, all because one has not detoxed the pancreas,  

With a unique detox diet, you can regulate the PH of the human body, before the pain and inflammation is more intense in the part of the abdominal area with strong pulses, until it could intensify until it reaches the back of the lower waist area, behind that of the abdominal area, this is already in very exaggerated degrees and even continuous,

Now another thing more to detail, when you go to the bathroom, you will notice that the feces are greasy and with a strong smell, that must be taken into account, as well as the loss of body weight, there is a part that we want to emphasize, many of the Sometimes this cannot be detected by medical instruments, such as taking blood from the person and doing the analyzes, there are others such as MRI and even very expensive inoculations that may not give such an accurate verdict, only a probability, and what is wanted here to know and use the effects that an inflation of the pancreas causes are the pulses that occur in the abdominal area, such as losing weight and fetid stools, these are at least some symptoms for which you could pay attention to be able to perform the diet detox in your body, I say the blood is the last effect of the process that the small intestine area performs with the enzymes of the pancreas, as described above, this can really be cured but p or through other natural alternatives that are given to people, thus deflating the pancreas,

symptoms of gallstones

symptoms of gallstones 

As mentioned above, the insulin from the pancreas serves as a very important support so that glucose (blood sugar, energy for cells) can enter the cell nucleus as food and from there to the condenser mitochondria and then expand the energy to everything the body and be stable physically, emotionally,

In the same way, bile, is a very important liquid that is formed in the gallbladder, which has a pear shape in itself and is next to the liver, the pancreas, the intestine, they also receive in degrees that correspond to that bile fluid and It is the stomach that receives an even greater degree of bile and the rest goes to its same gallbladder as a reserve and it is now the stomach that needs this bile liquid, so that the process of digesting food can be done, it is mentioned on the part of the majority of people who inexplicably the organ of the gallbladder is affected, but really this is due to the type of nutritional quality, and especially the stress and what leads to them such as other negative reactionary emotions, and in food is that they give the change of the entire mental and physical temperature system of the organism to an artificial one within the original temperature of the human body, including the gallbladder,

The gallbladder generates this bile fluid, but in turn when the person eats fat, junk food very excessively, this causes greater production of bile for the stomach and the stomach needs bile, to process food, digest it , but when that scale of negativity of eating based on very exaggerated saturated fat, too much meat, soda, smoking, alcohol etc is exceeded, and the bile fluid becomes thick like pus inside the gallbladder,

and it is there when that thick liquid turns into stones in the gallbladder, treatment and expulsion of stones from the gallbladder  This is called a temperature drop, which, having an original temperature, decreases in temperature to an artificial one and gives rise to the origin of matter, more solid, more compact, in the micro world, until it becomes small grit and even becomes in stones, which is a very slow degree of frequency and hence we have the famous stones in the gallbladder, which manifests itself with intense pain in the abdominal part and in the upper cervical part of the spine, more precisely in the nape and everything that corresponds to the shoulders towards the neck the trapezius, as something tense, because there is not an adequate flow of blood through that area, because everything is contracted, up to the cerebellum and is therefore also manifested as dizziness and confused thoughts,

A good way to reduce this is with decontracting massages for that tense area, to allow that entire area to relax and see a good irrigation to the brain, accompanied by diet detox, when we consume unnatural foods and already in those states a little more accentuated, it manifests as a heaviness in the abdominal area, with colic it is confused with the heavy colon, but in reality it is due to an original cause in the same bile, which is affected by poor nutrition and an unbalanced pH to acid, as states depressive and dizziness, which many resort to operations, to "cure" the affected part, as you will see this is manifesting in explanation on this diet detox page, so that it is clear the possible negative symptoms in the organs that you feel identified and thus develop the theme of cures that are on the same page this one,


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